Tuesday, February 18, 2025

March Events

 Storm Chasing and Birding Adventures by Isaac Polanski

"Birds and weather share an important relationship with each other.  Weather influences migration routes and fallouts, brings in vagrants, and impacts habitat from year to year.  This program will review my Michigan big years of 2023 and 2024 as well as my storm chasing adventures of the same years.  The relationship between birds and the weather will be discussed and how the weather has helped me find multiple rare birds." 

Isaac Polanski has been a birder since winter 2021.  He has been a storm chaser since 2015.  He has seen over 140 tornadoes across the United States.  Both 2023 and 2024 he had over 315 bird species in Michigan.  He is a graduate of Central Michigan University with a degree in Integrated Sciences for Secondary Education.  He works for the City of Royal Oak in the Water Maintenance Department. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

February Events

 February Field Trip

The February 15, 2025 field trip to Pere Marquette Park and the 

Muskegon Channel was canceled due to the bad weather forecast.

February 18 Program

Natural Features of Ottawa County

Bill Martinus, Botanist

    In tonight’s program Bill will discuss:

    1 - What a Natural Features Inventory is, and the process and methods of creating an NFI.

    2- Which Natural Features occur in Ottawa County Parks:

        Flora and fauna of special concern,

        Threatened and endangered species,

        Habitats, unique features, etc.

    3- Data, interpretation, and practical uses of NFI information to Ottawa County Parks, the community, and science.

    William Martinus and his wife Shirley have lived in western Ottawa County for over 50 years, wandering through natural areas (especially Ottawa County’s parks) recording plants and birds.  After teaching for thirty years, Bill’s focus narrowed to conducting inventories of what specifically occurs within the 7,400 acres of Ottawa County’s Parks and 50+ properties.

    His official inventories over 20 years include those completed in Upper Macatawa, Stearns Creek, North Ottawa Dunes, Ottawa Sands, Rosy Mound, Port Sheldon Natural Area, Hiawatha Forest, Crockery Creek, Eastmanville Bayou, Grand Ravines, and Grose parks.

    In the process he has documented with specimens to the University of Michigan Herbarium, over 450 plant species new to Ottawa County, and nearly 30 entirely new to the State of Michigan, as well as a native slug species new to the state!
    Tuesday, February 18, 2025, Loutit District Library, 407 Columbus Ave., Grand Haven.  Visiting time: 6:00-6:30 p.m.  Program: 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Monday, January 20, 2025

 The January 21 Program at Loutit Has Been Canceled Due to the Bad Weather !

Sunday, January 19, 2025

January 18 Field Trip Report

Six of us (one with the Grand Rapids group) birded the Muskegon County Resource Recovery Center properties this morning finding 21 bird species.

Notable birds included Gadwall, American Black Duck, Redhead, Ruddy Duck, Bald Eagle, Red-tailed Hawk, American Kestrel, Common Raven, American Robin, Snow Bunting and American Tree Sparrow.  No one saw any owls, but the Grand Rapids group reported a Golden Eagle.

The raven flew over the trees northwest of the headquarters building.  The robins (a flock of more than 40!) occupied the trees in that area.  The eagles were on the West Lagoon, the hawks north of White Road (a pair by the granery), the kestrel hovered over the rapid filtration cells, and the buntings and tree sparrows flew in small flocks at various locations around the property.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

January 2025 Events

Muskegon County Nature Club

January 2025

Homepage: http://muskegoncountynatureclub.blogspot.com

Facebook Page:  http://www.facebook.com/mkgbirding

January 18 Field Trip

    Meet at 9:00 a.m. inside the Maple Island Road entrance to the Muskegon County Resource Recovery Center (formerly "the Wastewater").  We will drive from there to various locations* on the property looking for whatever birds are present.  Having a walkie-talkie tuned to Channel 11, Subchannel 00 will be helpful for car-to-car communication, but is not necesssary.  We will often step out of the cars for a better views of  birds, so be sure to dress for the weather.  

    This trip will end around noon.  We hope to see you there.

    At the time of this writing the weather forecast looks fine.  However, as with all our field trips, if there is a cancellation, it will be posted on our homepage (above) as soon as possible.

* Driving only on roadways that have been plowed and leaving room for other vehicles to pass whenever we park to step outside, we will scan the rapid filtration lagoons, check the headquarters’ bird feeders, drive up to the aeration lagoons, check one or both of the big lagoons, scan the landfill, and drive to the granary on Swanson north of White.  Besides the usual suspects, winter bird possibilities at the Wastewater include Snowy and Short-eared Owls, Golden Eagle, Northern Shrike, Peregrine Falcon, Merlin, Common Raven, Lapland Longspur, Common Redpoll, Snow Bunting, plus unusual waterfowl and gulls.

January 21 Program


No January Meeting

    We have not scheduled a midwinter club meeting for this month because nothing seems to have changed in terms of club business since our last meeting on September 17, 2024.  If you feel that there is a need for a winter meeting, please let Beth know and we'll schedule one in February.