Sunday, August 2, 2020

Regarding Programs and Field Trips

Good News/Bad News regarding 2020-2021 Programs:

We've filled the first four dates of our schedule, September through January (see details in the Sidebar).  However, we have no programs lined up for February, March and April nor any prospects at this time for presenters on those dates.  If you have ideas regarding possible programs for those dates, please contact me as soon as possible.  Thanks!

Field Trips for the upcoming season are now posted in the Sidebar.  Hopefully most of these can be conducted as in the past, but that will be dependent on pandemic conditions.

As a field trip date, consider August 15 CANCELED.  

However, some of us will still be on the Muskegon County Wastewater properties that morning from 8:30 until noon.  For car-to-car communication, we will have Walkie-Talkies tuned to Channel 11, Subchannel 0.  If others are present when we get out of our cars, we'll wear masks and maintain a safe social distance.  That will be a bit cumbersome, but no bird sighting is worth anyone's contracting Covid-19.

- Ric