Sunday, October 9, 2022

October 8 Field Trip Report

Seven of us birded areas around Muskegon Lake on Saturday, October 8, hoping to see migrating raptors and blue jays.  The harsh winds prevented us from traveling out the Pere Marquette pier very far so we headed for the channel. 

Photo by Charlie DeWitt

While it was less windy, it was not very birdy at the channel.  We checked out Muskegon lake near Harbor Towne, Cottage Grove launch ramp, and finally Grand Trunk launch ramp and ended the October Big Day with 25 species, including Blue-winged Teals and an American Pipit at the pier, a Common Raven at the channel, a Great Egret at the Cottage Grove launch, and an Orange-crowned Warbler at the Grand Trunk launch ramp.  We hope you can join us on November 12 when we explore Muskegon State park’s Snug Harbor.